04 February 2012

Day # 5

Note to self: do not drink a Harvey Wallbanger. Ever.

Today I went to the liquor store with my friend and they were giving away free samples. Usually it's Smirnoff with Sprite or something equally as non-threatening. But today, they had the sample pre-mixed with Orange Juice. It had Galliano and vodka in it. Any time I see a cocktail that is made with orange juice, I automatically assume that it's wonderful and that I'm going to like it simply because of my love for orange juice. My assumptions usually work out for me. Not this time.

The drink is called a Harvey Wallbanger. The Galliano has herbs and things in it. I took one sip and almost gagged, but, since this was a classier-than-normal liquor shop, I couldn't NOT finish it. So down the hatch it went.

That little sampler had me sick for the rest of the day. Served me right. 

Workout Update: Monday I am starting a 30-day challenge from BODYROCK that is supposed to show off some major results. The workouts are only 12-14 minutes long and use interval training where you exercise for 50 seconds and then rest for 10. We will see how it goes. I will post the links to the exercises I did each day.

I am not going to worry too much about my weight during this whole time. In fact, I am going to make it a point to NOT step on the scale at all. The reason is, muscle weighs a lot more than fat. It's really easy to get discouraged when you are working out and instead of losing weigh, you're gaining it, even if it is muscle. So I'm just going to avoid that entirely.

Health Update: I have decided to not wear makeup (excluding mascara and chapstick) unless I have a job interview. So far I have not worn makeup since Wednesday, 1 February 2012. So, it's only been four days, but it's still an accomplishment. I want to see how much my skin improves. 

I also am going to try to reduce the amount of bread I eat. I am not going gluten-free (I'll be honest, I simply don't have the willpower for that), but I am going to eat more proteins. When I went to the store I didn't even buy bread. Lots of rice, though.

Here are some foods that contain a lot of antioxidants, which are really good for your body and skin (and I'm sure a lot of other things as well):

In other news, today is our 29-month wedding anniversary! We don't actually celebrate those. But since we are apart it's always a nice reminder every 4th of the month. Next month we'll have been married for 2.5 years! I can't believe how much time flies.


Ms. Bear

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